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Name Lennard Kämna
Born 1996-09-09
Country Germany 
Wikipédia  Fr  / Eng

Performances (climb)

ClimbStageDate Time#Power/kgPower 78kg-std
Saint-Nizier-du-MoucherotteTour de France 20202020-09-1527'09#26.17418
Plateau des GlièresTour de France 20202020-09-1724'505.49380

  Where do these data come from ?

Frédéric Portoleau, our "Watts expert" is doing all the power calculations. He started his times and watts measurements in 1988. The details of his work are available here.
Several chronos on the website have been measured by Vetooo, a finnish cycling fan. You can follow his activity on twitter here.
The threshold definition is done by Antoine Vayer.
"Not Normal ?", the magazine, has been created by Antoine Vayer, Stéphane Huby and Frédéric Portoleau.
Finally, the website is the work of team
