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[TdF21#10] Mes étranges contacts avec les (fake ?) hackers russes Fancy Bears
05-07-2021, 18:36 - Antoine Vayer
Fin du Tour de France 2020. Copie intégrale.
On me dit que j'ai été « lanceur d'alerte » avant l'heure, avant que cette expression ne devienne à la mode 10 ans plus tard, début des années 2010.
Dès 1999, notamment dans le journal Le Monde (pour lequel j'ai longtemps été chroniqueur), grâce à mon nouveau style « data-journalisme » et les watts, j'ai dénoncé les agissements de gens comme Lance Armstrong, Floyd Landis, Alberto Contador par exemple. Depuis, j'ai contribué à pas mal d'investigations journalistiques, enquêtes. J'ai aidé un bon nombre d'athlètes notamment ou même de policiers. Je suis aussi allé vers certaines instances ou institutions avec qui j'ai discuté.
J'ai participé au mouvement « Change Cycling Now », j'ai aussi créé avec certains de mes amis de #TeamWattthefuck le mouvement SportsLeaks avec le journaliste bien connu Hajo Seppelt, la terreur des russes et du CIO. Nous avons créé la première plateforme sécurisée où des athlètes pouvaient se confier pour que nous intervenions afin de mettre à jour certaines pratiques, via la presse.
Toutes les fédérations mondiales nous ont copiés. Beaucoup d'alertes « fake » sont envoyées. Sportsleaks en a reçu des centaines, triées, certaines ont été excellentes, vérifiées et sont allées « au bout des procédures »... C'est par ce biais que j'ai fait la connaissance de Floyd Landis justement avec qui je me suis lié d'amitié. J'ai été sensibilisé voire initié au monde de l'espionnage, assez simple ma foi...
Je reçois un grand nombre de messages du milieu du cyclisme, mais pas que, par mail, par sms, par Whatsapp, par Signal (l'appli sécurisée "recommandée par Edward Snowden"), par des MP sur Twitter, etc. Il ne faut pas hésiter à me contacter. Je sais trier le bon grain de l'ivraie...

Parfois, je vois directement les gens avant quoi que ce soit. C'est toujours instructif et sympathique, même avec Johan Bruyneel que j'estime ! J'ai aussi reçu par exemple tous les fichiers des capteurs de puissance de Froome et de Wiggins sur plusieurs années. Nous les avons épluchés. Ce n'était pas du hacking, mais des fuites qui m'ont été transmises.
Fancy Bears est le nom par contre de hackers Russes qui ont fait grand bruit en diffusant des données officielles confidentielles du CIO de plusieurs athlètes, notamment de leurs pseudo AUT, autorisation d'usage thérapeutique de produits dopants. C'est ainsi qu'on a su que Wiggins avait recours systématiquement à de bonnes vieilles grosses piqûres de Kenacort avant chaque grand Tour et que c'était « open bar » pour Froome également avec les corticoïdes.
Pourquoi se seraient-ils gênés ? Le problème, c'est que les Fancy Bears ont révélé ce qui devait être discrètement injecté. Les corticoïdes sont sûrement le produit dopant le plus utilisé sur ce Tour de France 2021 ! C'est sacrément efficace.
Aussi, quand, à la toute fin du Tour de France 2020, j'ai été contacté via une messagerie cryptée « proton » bien connue et fiable, par « Dimitra » qui se revendiquait de Fancy Bears, mon sang n'a fait qu'un tour ! Je me suis méfié, trop habitué aux entourloupes, en demandant patte blanche qui n'est pas venue, mais il faut avouer que ceux qui ont fait ça se sont donné du mal et que c'était plutôt bien fait.
Voyez plutôt, c'est en anglais, comment on essayé, moi et M. Vildary, journaliste qui est reconnu également pour ces investigations de nous piéger pour nous corrompre. Car c'était le but de la manoeuvre.
Vous allez voir, c'est mieux que dans la vraie vie, mieux qu'un roman policier ! Voici les échanges en intégralité.

Le 27/09/2020 à 15:23, Fancy Bears a écrit :
Hello, are you Antoine Vayer ?
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 15:36, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
Hi. I can chat on a more secure email, if you wish.
But tomorrow, time to create it

Le 27/09/2020 à 15:47, Fancy Bears a écrit :
Good afternoon Mr Vayer,
Well this email is fine for us cause our encryption is very strong. For us its ok. We have a team of hackers and honestly it s 100% secured.
Right now we are watching the Worlds, (cadence of Roglic + bike change of Pogacar, this is going to be funny...), but just after i can come back to you and i tell you what it is all about.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 15:50, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
Youre welcome. Your goal is mine against cheaters like Tadej or else ?
Still a few you knows...
Really nice to chat with you if you are the real bears.

Le 27/09/2020 à 16:00, Fancy Bears a écrit :
Dear Antoine,
Our goals is the same than yours, against cheaters but not only Pogacar.
Our targets :
- Jumbo (Van Aert, Roglic, Kuss)
- UAE (Pogacar, De la Cruz + staff, Matxin and Gianetti)
- Jalabert (electronic doping in Hawaii 2019)
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 16:52, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
So ? You're in relationship with Thierry Vildary , it's a good thing. We share quite a lot. How to manage ? How to be full confident each others ? Of course some kinds of evidence ?A meeting ?

Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 17:33, Fancy Bears a écrit :
1st : About Mr Vildary
Yes, we went first to Mr Vildary. The first thing i want to ask to you is your honest opinion. We are new to the french ecosystem, to the french actors (journalists/authorities). Do you think Thierry is reliable ? Tomorrow and in the following days, we will deliver him everything we have collected from ther Tour de France classified, put in order (chronology, posology, screenshots of Telegram conversations etc.). But before that, we need to know if he is 100% trustworthy, because today when we asked him your address he did not want to give it to us. We asked it for security reasons, because we need to send files in 2 directions, just in case one of them is hacked. This is our basic secured process, and he didnt want to give us your address. I can understand it. but it made us doubt just a bit, so we want to know whats your honest opinion about him, and if we can share everything with him. If not, please feel free to suggest another expert.
2nd : About our info/data
I dont know what you know. I m gonna sum it up, im gonna be honest with you, 100% of what is there is proved by our materials.
- we followed Jumbo and UAE during the whole Tour. Teams of 2 people each were constantly less than 150m far from their bus/hotel to hack live their messages.
- we hacked and decrypted a lot of conversations on encrypted Telegram channels
- a lot of them referred to banned substances with codenames (not very difficult to crack), and to our big surprize motor/electronic doping discussed quite openly in both Jumbo and UAE teams
- Tom Dumoulin refused the electric assistance
- Matxin and San Milan are the big brains of blood doping + boosting substances doping + motor doping
- San Milan got his lab paid by the Emirates themselves, to work on cancer AND developp a new substance that they called AK47 due to its power
- we dont know the composition, but we know for sure how it works : it stimulates the endogenic production of EPO of the body, its not on the market yet, and the big new thing is that they can destroy in less than 20 min blood cells with the ingestion (no need of injection) of a serum to come back to a normal blood cells rate
- De la Cruz used it with Pogacar on the last week of the Tour. De la Cruz got super scared that other spanish riders would know and that he wouldnt be selected at the Tour because he would be a risk.
- One of the secondary effects, from what they said in the messages, was the fact they would keep some fat in their cells. That's why both Pogacar and De la Cruz didnt look that fit in the last stages of the Tour
- Matxin went to Ceuta by boat (few controls) to buy at list 3 pairs of a wheel with magnets inside, and a bluetooth activation + a system of energy gathering on the brakes (just like the F1 one)
- Jumbo also spoke a lot about motors in their conversations on Telegram + blood doping. Kuss was worried about his hematocrite being too high on the second rest day.
- Roglic was told to ride in the middle of the bunch during all the first 2 hours of the mountain stages, where he was using a motor bike, and was told to reduce his cadence during the first climbs to the maximum to save the motor
- Van Aert used tried argon in 2019 and proposed it to the team in one of the conversations. He also talked about blood bags treated with ozone.
- we have conversation in Jumbo laughing about the lack of controls by the UCI on the bikes.
- when we were investigating the guy in Ceuta that sells motor bikes, we realized that Jalabert and Vinokourov bought a device (Vinokourov through his lawyer, Jalabert alone).
This is the kind of info we have. Its massive, maybe even too much for us. And honestly we need an expert view on it. And most importantly, we need a long term collaboration.
3rd : Who we are
We are The Fancy Bears - Exposing Cheaters. There is no one left of the last team that did bullshit in 2016. We are high profile hackers. Our boss is a russian oil company CEO, who studied in Switzerland and lives in Boston, US. His goal is to create a team based in France and to win the Tour de France with a french rider in the next 10-15 years. He is ready to pay anyone that can team with us to take down cheaters.
His goal is also to clean the french media of all the hypocrits and cheaters such as Jalabert but also other guys that work in the french media and defend dopers all the time.
4th : how to work together
I called my boss this afternoon when you answered. You were our first target before Mr Vildary, but we couldnt reach you on time. So he was really happy. Im going to be clear and honest, for if we work together in the future : my boss is ready to pay for an expert opinion, and a strong position in the french media, with influence. We cannot lose this fight, this year was such a joke in cycling that we must take action. If needed, he is ready to use illegal actions. His words were « they play dirty, we play dirty ».
5th : Trust
This is the main problem, for us too. We dont know at all the french media, who to speak with. At first we wanted to talk to you, then to people with influence in the french cycling media. We found you, Vildary, Durand, Fritsch, Jalabert, Voeckler, Virenque. We had to investigate to know who to go to. We have massive valuable info, and we have only one shot. We cannot get wrong. This is why we asked you about Vildary.
For the rest, as soon as our datas are ready to be sent, we will send it to the people we see trustworthy. We will share everything, and my boss is ready to give all the means possible to anyone who would like to help. We also have people working in Europe, that will be able to meet you or anyone with the datas. (they all have a military formation)
6th : Suggestions
If you have any idea, suggestion, we are all hears.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 17:49, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
All this seems really interesting.
First thing. No money. Never. Thanks. We dont like money.
Yes, I think Thierry is reliable, even if he works for french TV. He can have copy of everything like me. But no more people I can trust.
We are very very few to be reliable.
I got a sort of little team, done with our part of SportsLeaks with Mathieu, Hajo.
Let me talk to him. OK ?
To make a team together, good idea.

Le 27/09/2020 à 17:54, Fancy Bears a écrit :
And btw, congratulations to France for the world title of Alaphilippe.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 18:01, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
Julian is Belge ! Laugh. He works with Dr Van Mol !

Le 27/09/2020 à 18:04, Fancy Bears a écrit :
We are ok with the fact you talk with your team. Happy to hear that Thierry is reliable. We will share everything in double then, to you and to him.
Yes, we heard the talks about Julian and Quickstep using Cetones but we have not really studied it. We would need an expert opinion about it.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

Le 28/09/2020 à 08:40, Fancy Bears a écrit :
Hey Antoine,
We didnt sleep a lot. We are organizing our datas and checking them. We dont want any mistake because we want your trust, yours and Mr Vildarys one.
Yesterday we hacked the phone of Matxin, who argued on a new Telegram channel with the mecano of Pogacar (who seems to be the one that was there in Imola yesterday, which is strange). They spoke about the weight of the bike of Pogacar in La Planche des Belles Filles, and the weight of the one he used to finish the race. They argued to know if he used the 6,850kg one or the 7,180kg one. The difference is EXACTLY the weight of the 13 electronic magnets they bought in Ceuta...
Anyway, we can go back to the other email address. Yesterday we were in a rush, we had to reach you so we wrote (always encrypted) everywhere.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

Le 28/09/2020 à 09:38, Fancy Bears a écrit :
Btw Antoine, this is absolutely off the record and its not in our datas that we will send to Mr Vildary, but we have seen that you had a "war" against Mr Sainz. Maybe you know but in the Telegram messages of Van Aert he says a lot of french riders work with him, like Barguil and some of BB Hotels one (he didnt say names for them). And also he said that 50% of the movistar team of the last 5 years had him as a personal doctor. I dont know if its true, i dont think it s something interesting for our big operation coming, but i tell you cause you know better about this topic. Sorry if you already know it !
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le lundi 28 septembre 2020 10:15, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
When will you send files, according to you, so that we check ?
Huum. When Wout said that ? Sainz has been in jail for months and his new trial is opening soon.

Le 28/09/2020 à 10:35, Fancy Bears a écrit :
He spoke about that in the third week of the Tour after Arkea's stuff. We ll send in one hour moreless. So you ll be able to check everything.
I have a question for you Antoine. One of the risks is that they knew we wre wathing or hacking them and that they invented everything to make a sort of trap. I really dont think so, because i cant imagine them inventing everything and having 8GO of Telegram messages.
So here is my honest question : you re a guy that knows cycling, the riders. We dont. Is it normal for them to speak that much and that openly, between themselves, about doping. Everyone seems to be quite open about it. It surprizes us.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

Le 28 sept. 2020 à 10:51, Fancy Bears a écrit :
Dear Antoine, Dear Thierry
We finished organizing the material datas. We planned the sending at 11.35. Here is how the files are divided :
- a summary of the datas + a special focus on UAE staff
- TDF 2020 DATAS 1 : JUMBO files (4,5 go)
- TDF 2020 DATAS 2 : UAE files (4,0 go)
- TDF preparation DATAS 1 : JUMBO (Van Aert)
- TDF preparation DATAS 2 : UAE Ceuta travel + way back in Ukraine
- our questions for you two (things we dont understand in the datas)
- Conclusion of our boss, in french
We will let you both all the time you need to check everything in detail. I will stay at your full disposal to answer any question.
IMPORTANT : security notice
These datas are very valuable. We are sure that teams know you both. Security is of a paramount importance.
Here are the main rules if you want to be 100% safe, and we are hackers, so we know how it works :
- never use wifi when you work on the datas. The datas that we will send you, you can open them without any problem on your computer cause we encrypted them. No problem. But if you want to take notes, write about it, never do it with wifi. Wifi means a door to your computer. So we recommand you to open a new electronic device (phone, computer, tablet), disconnect it from the wifi, and start writing or working.
- never use the police COMIC SANS MS, it has a code inside that makes it trackable.
- never use the symbol of hashtag, for the same reason
- when you work on you disconnected device, close it totally every half an hour
- buy a USB device or a hard disk, pay with cash, to save what you want to save. Make at least 3 copies, and hide them physically in 3 different places
These are basic rules, but they work.
We good ?
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
Le 28 septembre 2020 à 11:00 je n'ai plus eu aucune nouvelle. L'adresse mail « Fancy Bears » de « Dimitra » a cessé de fonctionner... Avec M.Vildary, nous pensons savoir qui sont Dimitra et ses amis. Nous irons les voir bientôt.
Tel sera pris qui croyait prendre. Il faut juste être patient et chercher un peu, comme avec Lance Armstrong, comme avec Tadej Pogacar : un vrai champion ou un fake, lui aussi ?
Antoine Vayer
L'unique modification apportée aux emails initiaux concerne les accents particuliers aux patronymes slovènes (Pogacar et Roglic, initialement avec un accent sur les 'c') que l'encodage de notre base de données nous empêche de reproduire !
On me dit que j'ai été « lanceur d'alerte » avant l'heure, avant que cette expression ne devienne à la mode 10 ans plus tard, début des années 2010.
Dès 1999, notamment dans le journal Le Monde (pour lequel j'ai longtemps été chroniqueur), grâce à mon nouveau style « data-journalisme » et les watts, j'ai dénoncé les agissements de gens comme Lance Armstrong, Floyd Landis, Alberto Contador par exemple. Depuis, j'ai contribué à pas mal d'investigations journalistiques, enquêtes. J'ai aidé un bon nombre d'athlètes notamment ou même de policiers. Je suis aussi allé vers certaines instances ou institutions avec qui j'ai discuté.
J'ai participé au mouvement « Change Cycling Now », j'ai aussi créé avec certains de mes amis de #TeamWattthefuck le mouvement SportsLeaks avec le journaliste bien connu Hajo Seppelt, la terreur des russes et du CIO. Nous avons créé la première plateforme sécurisée où des athlètes pouvaient se confier pour que nous intervenions afin de mettre à jour certaines pratiques, via la presse.
Toutes les fédérations mondiales nous ont copiés. Beaucoup d'alertes « fake » sont envoyées. Sportsleaks en a reçu des centaines, triées, certaines ont été excellentes, vérifiées et sont allées « au bout des procédures »... C'est par ce biais que j'ai fait la connaissance de Floyd Landis justement avec qui je me suis lié d'amitié. J'ai été sensibilisé voire initié au monde de l'espionnage, assez simple ma foi...
Je reçois un grand nombre de messages du milieu du cyclisme, mais pas que, par mail, par sms, par Whatsapp, par Signal (l'appli sécurisée "recommandée par Edward Snowden"), par des MP sur Twitter, etc. Il ne faut pas hésiter à me contacter. Je sais trier le bon grain de l'ivraie...

Parfois, je vois directement les gens avant quoi que ce soit. C'est toujours instructif et sympathique, même avec Johan Bruyneel que j'estime ! J'ai aussi reçu par exemple tous les fichiers des capteurs de puissance de Froome et de Wiggins sur plusieurs années. Nous les avons épluchés. Ce n'était pas du hacking, mais des fuites qui m'ont été transmises.
Fancy Bears est le nom par contre de hackers Russes qui ont fait grand bruit en diffusant des données officielles confidentielles du CIO de plusieurs athlètes, notamment de leurs pseudo AUT, autorisation d'usage thérapeutique de produits dopants. C'est ainsi qu'on a su que Wiggins avait recours systématiquement à de bonnes vieilles grosses piqûres de Kenacort avant chaque grand Tour et que c'était « open bar » pour Froome également avec les corticoïdes.
Pourquoi se seraient-ils gênés ? Le problème, c'est que les Fancy Bears ont révélé ce qui devait être discrètement injecté. Les corticoïdes sont sûrement le produit dopant le plus utilisé sur ce Tour de France 2021 ! C'est sacrément efficace.
Aussi, quand, à la toute fin du Tour de France 2020, j'ai été contacté via une messagerie cryptée « proton » bien connue et fiable, par « Dimitra » qui se revendiquait de Fancy Bears, mon sang n'a fait qu'un tour ! Je me suis méfié, trop habitué aux entourloupes, en demandant patte blanche qui n'est pas venue, mais il faut avouer que ceux qui ont fait ça se sont donné du mal et que c'était plutôt bien fait.
Voyez plutôt, c'est en anglais, comment on essayé, moi et M. Vildary, journaliste qui est reconnu également pour ces investigations de nous piéger pour nous corrompre. Car c'était le but de la manoeuvre.
Vous allez voir, c'est mieux que dans la vraie vie, mieux qu'un roman policier ! Voici les échanges en intégralité.

Le 27/09/2020 à 15:23, Fancy Bears
Hello, are you Antoine Vayer ?
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 15:36, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
Hi. I can chat on a more secure email, if you wish.
But tomorrow, time to create it

Le 27/09/2020 à 15:47, Fancy Bears
Good afternoon Mr Vayer,
Well this email is fine for us cause our encryption is very strong. For us its ok. We have a team of hackers and honestly it s 100% secured.
Right now we are watching the Worlds, (cadence of Roglic + bike change of Pogacar, this is going to be funny...), but just after i can come back to you and i tell you what it is all about.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 15:50, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
Youre welcome. Your goal is mine against cheaters like Tadej or else ?
Still a few you knows...
Really nice to chat with you if you are the real bears.

Le 27/09/2020 à 16:00, Fancy Bears
Dear Antoine,
Our goals is the same than yours, against cheaters but not only Pogacar.
Our targets :
- Jumbo (Van Aert, Roglic, Kuss)
- UAE (Pogacar, De la Cruz + staff, Matxin and Gianetti)
- Jalabert (electronic doping in Hawaii 2019)
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 16:52, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
So ? You're in relationship with Thierry Vildary , it's a good thing. We share quite a lot. How to manage ? How to be full confident each others ? Of course some kinds of evidence ?A meeting ?

Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 17:33, Fancy Bears
1st : About Mr Vildary
Yes, we went first to Mr Vildary. The first thing i want to ask to you is your honest opinion. We are new to the french ecosystem, to the french actors (journalists/authorities). Do you think Thierry is reliable ? Tomorrow and in the following days, we will deliver him everything we have collected from ther Tour de France classified, put in order (chronology, posology, screenshots of Telegram conversations etc.). But before that, we need to know if he is 100% trustworthy, because today when we asked him your address he did not want to give it to us. We asked it for security reasons, because we need to send files in 2 directions, just in case one of them is hacked. This is our basic secured process, and he didnt want to give us your address. I can understand it. but it made us doubt just a bit, so we want to know whats your honest opinion about him, and if we can share everything with him. If not, please feel free to suggest another expert.
2nd : About our info/data
I dont know what you know. I m gonna sum it up, im gonna be honest with you, 100% of what is there is proved by our materials.
- we followed Jumbo and UAE during the whole Tour. Teams of 2 people each were constantly less than 150m far from their bus/hotel to hack live their messages.
- we hacked and decrypted a lot of conversations on encrypted Telegram channels
- a lot of them referred to banned substances with codenames (not very difficult to crack), and to our big surprize motor/electronic doping discussed quite openly in both Jumbo and UAE teams
- Tom Dumoulin refused the electric assistance
- Matxin and San Milan are the big brains of blood doping + boosting substances doping + motor doping
- San Milan got his lab paid by the Emirates themselves, to work on cancer AND developp a new substance that they called AK47 due to its power
- we dont know the composition, but we know for sure how it works : it stimulates the endogenic production of EPO of the body, its not on the market yet, and the big new thing is that they can destroy in less than 20 min blood cells with the ingestion (no need of injection) of a serum to come back to a normal blood cells rate
- De la Cruz used it with Pogacar on the last week of the Tour. De la Cruz got super scared that other spanish riders would know and that he wouldnt be selected at the Tour because he would be a risk.
- One of the secondary effects, from what they said in the messages, was the fact they would keep some fat in their cells. That's why both Pogacar and De la Cruz didnt look that fit in the last stages of the Tour
- Matxin went to Ceuta by boat (few controls) to buy at list 3 pairs of a wheel with magnets inside, and a bluetooth activation + a system of energy gathering on the brakes (just like the F1 one)
- Jumbo also spoke a lot about motors in their conversations on Telegram + blood doping. Kuss was worried about his hematocrite being too high on the second rest day.
- Roglic was told to ride in the middle of the bunch during all the first 2 hours of the mountain stages, where he was using a motor bike, and was told to reduce his cadence during the first climbs to the maximum to save the motor
- Van Aert used tried argon in 2019 and proposed it to the team in one of the conversations. He also talked about blood bags treated with ozone.
- we have conversation in Jumbo laughing about the lack of controls by the UCI on the bikes.
- when we were investigating the guy in Ceuta that sells motor bikes, we realized that Jalabert and Vinokourov bought a device (Vinokourov through his lawyer, Jalabert alone).
This is the kind of info we have. Its massive, maybe even too much for us. And honestly we need an expert view on it. And most importantly, we need a long term collaboration.
3rd : Who we are
We are The Fancy Bears - Exposing Cheaters. There is no one left of the last team that did bullshit in 2016. We are high profile hackers. Our boss is a russian oil company CEO, who studied in Switzerland and lives in Boston, US. His goal is to create a team based in France and to win the Tour de France with a french rider in the next 10-15 years. He is ready to pay anyone that can team with us to take down cheaters.
His goal is also to clean the french media of all the hypocrits and cheaters such as Jalabert but also other guys that work in the french media and defend dopers all the time.
4th : how to work together
I called my boss this afternoon when you answered. You were our first target before Mr Vildary, but we couldnt reach you on time. So he was really happy. Im going to be clear and honest, for if we work together in the future : my boss is ready to pay for an expert opinion, and a strong position in the french media, with influence. We cannot lose this fight, this year was such a joke in cycling that we must take action. If needed, he is ready to use illegal actions. His words were « they play dirty, we play dirty ».
5th : Trust
This is the main problem, for us too. We dont know at all the french media, who to speak with. At first we wanted to talk to you, then to people with influence in the french cycling media. We found you, Vildary, Durand, Fritsch, Jalabert, Voeckler, Virenque. We had to investigate to know who to go to. We have massive valuable info, and we have only one shot. We cannot get wrong. This is why we asked you about Vildary.
For the rest, as soon as our datas are ready to be sent, we will send it to the people we see trustworthy. We will share everything, and my boss is ready to give all the means possible to anyone who would like to help. We also have people working in Europe, that will be able to meet you or anyone with the datas. (they all have a military formation)
6th : Suggestions
If you have any idea, suggestion, we are all hears.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 17:49, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
All this seems really interesting.
First thing. No money. Never. Thanks. We dont like money.
Yes, I think Thierry is reliable, even if he works for french TV. He can have copy of everything like me. But no more people I can trust.
We are very very few to be reliable.
I got a sort of little team, done with our part of SportsLeaks with Mathieu, Hajo.
Let me talk to him. OK ?
To make a team together, good idea.

Le 27/09/2020 à 17:54, Fancy Bears a écrit :
And btw, congratulations to France for the world title of Alaphilippe.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 18:01, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
Julian is Belge ! Laugh. He works with Dr Van Mol !

Le 27/09/2020 à 18:04, Fancy Bears
We are ok with the fact you talk with your team. Happy to hear that Thierry is reliable. We will share everything in double then, to you and to him.
Yes, we heard the talks about Julian and Quickstep using Cetones but we have not really studied it. We would need an expert opinion about it.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

Le 28/09/2020 à 08:40, Fancy Bears
Hey Antoine,
We didnt sleep a lot. We are organizing our datas and checking them. We dont want any mistake because we want your trust, yours and Mr Vildarys one.
Yesterday we hacked the phone of Matxin, who argued on a new Telegram channel with the mecano of Pogacar (who seems to be the one that was there in Imola yesterday, which is strange). They spoke about the weight of the bike of Pogacar in La Planche des Belles Filles, and the weight of the one he used to finish the race. They argued to know if he used the 6,850kg one or the 7,180kg one. The difference is EXACTLY the weight of the 13 electronic magnets they bought in Ceuta...
Anyway, we can go back to the other email address. Yesterday we were in a rush, we had to reach you so we wrote (always encrypted) everywhere.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

Le 28/09/2020 à 09:38, Fancy Bears
Btw Antoine, this is absolutely off the record and its not in our datas that we will send to Mr Vildary, but we have seen that you had a "war" against Mr Sainz. Maybe you know but in the Telegram messages of Van Aert he says a lot of french riders work with him, like Barguil and some of BB Hotels one (he didnt say names for them). And also he said that 50% of the movistar team of the last 5 years had him as a personal doctor. I dont know if its true, i dont think it s something interesting for our big operation coming, but i tell you cause you know better about this topic. Sorry if you already know it !
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

------- Original Message -------
Le lundi 28 septembre 2020 10:15, Antoine VAYER a écrit :
When will you send files, according to you, so that we check ?
Huum. When Wout said that ? Sainz has been in jail for months and his new trial is opening soon.

Le 28/09/2020 à 10:35, Fancy Bears
He spoke about that in the third week of the Tour after Arkea's stuff. We ll send in one hour moreless. So you ll be able to check everything.
I have a question for you Antoine. One of the risks is that they knew we wre wathing or hacking them and that they invented everything to make a sort of trap. I really dont think so, because i cant imagine them inventing everything and having 8GO of Telegram messages.
So here is my honest question : you re a guy that knows cycling, the riders. We dont. Is it normal for them to speak that much and that openly, between themselves, about doping. Everyone seems to be quite open about it. It surprizes us.
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

Le 28 sept. 2020 à 10:51, Fancy Bears
Dear Antoine, Dear Thierry
We finished organizing the material datas. We planned the sending at 11.35. Here is how the files are divided :
- a summary of the datas + a special focus on UAE staff
- TDF 2020 DATAS 1 : JUMBO files (4,5 go)
- TDF 2020 DATAS 2 : UAE files (4,0 go)
- TDF preparation DATAS 1 : JUMBO (Van Aert)
- TDF preparation DATAS 2 : UAE Ceuta travel + way back in Ukraine
- our questions for you two (things we dont understand in the datas)
- Conclusion of our boss, in french
We will let you both all the time you need to check everything in detail. I will stay at your full disposal to answer any question.
IMPORTANT : security notice
These datas are very valuable. We are sure that teams know you both. Security is of a paramount importance.
Here are the main rules if you want to be 100% safe, and we are hackers, so we know how it works :
- never use wifi when you work on the datas. The datas that we will send you, you can open them without any problem on your computer cause we encrypted them. No problem. But if you want to take notes, write about it, never do it with wifi. Wifi means a door to your computer. So we recommand you to open a new electronic device (phone, computer, tablet), disconnect it from the wifi, and start writing or working.
- never use the police COMIC SANS MS, it has a code inside that makes it trackable.
- never use the symbol of hashtag, for the same reason
- when you work on you disconnected device, close it totally every half an hour
- buy a USB device or a hard disk, pay with cash, to save what you want to save. Make at least 3 copies, and hide them physically in 3 different places
These are basic rules, but they work.
We good ?
EXPOSING CHEATERS - FANCY BEARS Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
Antoine Vayer
L'unique modification apportée aux emails initiaux concerne les accents particuliers aux patronymes slovènes (Pogacar et Roglic, initialement avec un accent sur les 'c') que l'encodage de notre base de données nous empêche de reproduire !